The Value of Managed IT Contracts

The Benefit of Managed IT Contracts How to Waste Time and Aggravate People? How much time do you waste on IT problems every week? How about your employees? How about your least tech-savvy employee? Got an answer in mind? The average employee wastes 22 minutes a day or 110 minutes a week on technology issues. […]

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6 Essential Phone System Features That Used to Be Expensive

Affordable, Productivity-Enhancing Features     When RCI started in the late 70s, we were a custom-engineering firm that designed equipment to allow telephone systems to do things they weren’t built to do. Over time, as telephone systems became more sophisticated, we shifted into the sales and service of telephone systems and other technology because phone […]

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A Classic Story Retold

Find A Telephony Provider who Provides Equipment and Service There’s an often told story. It goes back through many cultures into folklore of various countries and has been retold in modern times through various television episodes. It goes like this:Your protagonist needs something. The protagonist goes to a person to get that thing. Then the […]

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