What is Managed IT?

You Can’t Afford Not to Have Managed IT


One phrase that has become ubiquitous in the last few years is managed IT services. You’ve probably heard it. You may have some idea what it means. You may also have some questions.

Managed IT services can mean a lot of things. The website tech terms defines IT thusly:

Stands for “Information Technology,” and is pronounced “I.T.” It refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies. Many companies now have IT departments for managing the computers, networks, and other technical areas of their businesses. IT jobs include computer programming, network administration, computer engineering, Web development, technical support, and many other related occupations.

That covers a lot!

For the purpose of our blog and our business we will narrow IT to be concerning the more hands on equipment related items – networking, hardware, programming, tech support and some engineering. For RCI and the companies like us, typically there is no web development involved in the day to day work.

But IT can expand out to any technology related equipment – telephones, cameras, switches/networking and of course computers. As large of a tent as IT resides under, it’s borders seem to keep creeping out to include other technology.

But wait! We’ve left out half of the operative phrase – managed. What is managed IT?

Managed IT refers to the general outsourced management and care of all IT matters for a business. In other words, if you hire someone for managed IT, they will take care of all or a defined part of your technology needs for an agreed upon price.

What is the Benefit of Managed IT?

The benefits of Managed IT can be grouped into two basic categories – cost control and piece of mind.

Have you ever had a major equipment failure? I’m talking catastrophic. This is not a button sticking or “my computer is doing this annoying thing when…” I’m talking “Holy cow we are can’t make or receive any calls!” or “Are you aware we’ve lost our electronic customer data base?”

It’s a scary experience.

Generally a major equipment failure causes loss of revenue and prevents business from going forward as usual. The first question a company generally asks in this situation is “ How much will it cost to fix?” The second is “How much will it cost to fix it now?”

How much is the price difference? Which way will lose more money in the long run? Can you get it fixed and when?

If you don’t have a company who you regularly work with, it’s possible that it can’t be fixed.

If you do, the time and price questions are important ones to answer and the differences in both can vary considerably even with good companies.

On the other hand, if you have managed IT services or a maintenance contract, you already have all the answers.

Known or Unknown Costs?

The price for fixing anything is predetermined – usually a monthly cost for maintenance so there are no surprises. The monthly maintenance has the added benefit of making it less likely a problem will occur in the first place because preventable problems are caught early on. It’s beneficial for both you and the company managing your I.T. to avoid a costly issue.

Finally, It is a comfort to always know that someone is responsible for taking care of you valuable resources and will be accessible in the event of an emergency. And the fact that it’s already built into your budget is an added benefit.

When looking at all the benefits of managed IT, it’s hard to believe all companies aren’t already taking advantage of it.

If you have any questions about IT or managed IT, please ask in the comments below.

Posted in Computers, Managed IT, Networking, Service.

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